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Yourjet launches australian operations at singapore airshow

YOURJET launches Australian operations at Singapore Airshow

Queensland-based YOURJET formally launched their Australian operations last week at the 2016 Singapore Airshow during a networking event hosted by Defence Industries Queensland and the Australian High Commission.

YOURJET Australia is the first fractional jet ownership program in Australia and promises to deliver the efficiencies and benefits of private jet travel for a fraction of the cost.

It is based on similar successful programs operating in Europe, Asia and the United States, and has been enhanced to suit Australian market conditions. It is aimed at businesses and individuals looking for a more flexible, efficient, affordable travel alternative to and from cities and regional centres around the country.

The YOURJET service offers clients a share of a new Embraer Phenom 300 light jet and facilitates up to four joint owners coming together to take advantage of the benefits of having aircraft, crew, catering, cleaning, maintenance and safety upgrades provided, as part of an ongoing management package.

Founding Director and aeronautical engineer, Jason Hazell, was pleased to launch the program after more than 12 months of planning. He saw an opportunity to introduce YOURJET to Australia on hearing of people's frustration with commercial air travel and the lack of available alternatives. Mr Hazell brings more than 30 years of aviation experience to YOURJET, ensuring the service offers high standards of safety, quality and value for owners.

For more information read YOURJET's media release (PDF icon 137 KB) and Business News Australia's article.

The Singapore Airshow provided an opportunity for potential investors to view the Embraer Phenom 300 (pictured here with YOURJET Director Jason Hazell). This award winning aircraft is a leader in the light jet category and already a popular choice for fractional ownership programs overseas.

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Last updated: 16 Nov 2021